Jonathan Bond photographed for HUF Magazine by Scott Irving

Editorial- @hufmagazine Photographer- @scottirvingl Stylist- @zm_baker

Behind the camera stories: I can’t remember what day of the week it was but I had left my full time job around 1pm to meet the two of them. Immediately we got situated and started creating. We got so in the zone that I had forgotten how hungry I was and took my first bite to eat around 9pm after we wrapped up. During this quarantine one thing I miss is being able to team up with different people and simply create. Feed off each others energy and forget about time. Working with these two felt so free because zack and I have known each other most of our lives. Scott and I had been communicating about working together for over a year. Soon enough moments like these will be happening again with even more purpose and desire to create. Stay strong everyone.

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